Jean Purse
What you'll need: ~old pair of jeans ~fabric glue - you can find this at a crafts or sewing store ~stuff
to decorate your bag like ribbon, beads, markers, and fabric paint ~scissors
Cut out the back pocket of your jeans. This will leave you with a little pouch.
To make the handle for your bag, cut out one of the seams from the side of your pant leg. Cut down one side of the seam,
and the other. Decide how long you want your handle to be, and cut the seam to that length.
Squeeze some fabric glue on the ends of the seam and tuck them inside the pocket. Now your bag has a handle.
Now for the fun part, you get to design your purse! You can use all kinds of stuff to decorate your purse: paint, beads, markers,
or ribbon. You could take some ribbon and make a bow or use markers and paint to make designs. Once the glue dries, your purse
is ready to use! Leave your purse out so that the glue and paint can dry. When you've finished your jean purse, you'll have
lots of leftover jean material. Instead of just throwing it out, experiment and see how many different things you can make
out of the leftover material.