Spa Baths
Get the full spa treatment in your own tub by adding just a few ingredients.
Suspend a few chamomile tea bags in gauze or cheesecloth under the faucet and let warm water run over them. I like to
cut an orange into thin slices and float it in the water for added aromatherapy benefits.
Two cups of powdered milk added to a warm bath makes for a delicious, soothing soak (this bath is also great for sunburned
or sun-damaged skin, as milk has both skin-lightening and exfoliating benefits).
I am a bath person, so naturally I loved these. The chamomile was relaxing and smelled great with the orange. The milk
bath, on the other hand, didn't. You'll definitely want to rinse after that one.
The milk bath was the best for my skin. I tend to freckle in the sun but the bath made my skin look smoother and more
evenly toned.