Corn Husk Dolls
Next time you're shucking corn for dinner, don't throw away the husks. Dry them in the sun for one to three days, and
you'll have the makings for a corn-husk doll.
Materials: Dried corn husks or tamale wrappers (available at grocery stores) Twine or string Scissors Pipecleaners
Step 1: Soak the dried corn husks (approximately 20 per doll) in warm water for about 10 minutes to soften
them, then blot them dry. Next, gather twenty 10-inch lengths of twine and tie an overhand knot at one end.
Step 2: Trim the husks so that they are each about 8 inches long. Then sandwich the knotted twine between 4 or so husks
and tightly tie another piece of twine around the bundle just above the overhand knot. Step 3:
Make the doll's arms by rolling up a pipe cleaner in a husk (this will make the arms posable). Roll up 2 more husks (without
pipe cleaners). Then braid the three together and tie the ends with twine. Step 4: Take the
bundle from Step 2 and peel down the husks (as you would a banana) to create a head and expose the hair. Tightly tie the bundle
where the neck should be, then insert the arms. Step 5: Braid together 3 rolled husks (without
a pipecleaner) for each leg. Then use 2 of the inner husk ends to tie the tops of the legs to the dolls. Trim the remaining
husk ends an inch below where the legs are attached. Step 6: Snugly wrap a single husk around
the doll's hips, tying the ends together to secure it. Trim the knot tails. Step 7: Now it's
time to dress the doll. If making a girl, go right to Step 8. For a boy, create leggings by wrapping a single husk around
each leg and tightly tying twine around the very top. Then fringe the leggings by making a series of short snips along the
outer sides. Step 8: For a skirt, sandwich the doll's body from the hips up with a few husks
and secure them to the waist with twine. Then peel down the husks. For a girl doll, leave the skirt long; for a boy, trim
1 1/2 inches from the waist. Finally, drape husks over the shoulders. Crisscross the ends in front and in back of the doll
and sash them around the waist with twine.